Friday, February 19, 2016

How Govinfo keeps pace with users

Ric Davis has seen his share of government documents. As CTO at the Government Publishing Office, he’s been an integral part of creating search engines to help the public find files from the executive, legislative and judicial branches. But on Feb. 10, a document Davis never expected found him.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Videoconferencing helps local gov deliver citizen services

Amid calls for more digital government services that let constituents find answers without human interaction, there is still something to say for, well, human interaction. Agencies are finding that tools that let them leverage technology to provide face-to-face assistance offer a new way to get the job done.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Open Source - The Future of Government Technology

The terms “open” and “government” traditionally have been mutually exclusive. But that’s started to change. Today public officials at the federal, state and local levels recognize that to truly be a government of the people, by the people, and for the people, they can’t operate in a closed, siloed environment. 

As officials search for ways to increase capabilities, transparency and citizen engagement while decreasing spending, one solution is continuously bubbling to the top: open source technology.